We continue counting in this post the different peculiarities (size, shape, juiciness …) that the different varieties of citrus have during their collection period.


This is the most important group of sweet oranges. They are the most cultivated and oldest.

To this group belong varieties that we could call fine or selected, with few or no seeds and others that we could call common white with seeds in variable number. They are excellent both for the fresh market and for the production of juices. These are some of the many varieties of this group.

– Salustiana: 

Variety of fruit is round or slightly flattened, practically without seeds, thin skin and medium to large size. It has a lot of sweet flavor juice. Ideal for table and industry.

Collection months: From December to March.

– Valencia Late: 

Variety of medium to large size fruit, spherical, with no or few seeds, good color at maturity, although thereafter it greens under certain conditions, medium-thick, hard crust and smooth surface. Very abundant juice with a good taste although commonly something acidic.

Collection months: From March to July.

– Valencia Late Frost: 

Variety of fruit, very similar to that of `Valencia´, has a medium to large size, high juice content slightly acidic and practically devoid of seeds.

Collection months: From April to July.


The fruits of this group have the particularity of having a red, water-soluble, anthocyanin-colored pigment that colors the pulp and the bark. The pigmentation is not uniform, there is no external and internal correlation. The presence of the pigment in its bark and in the pulp, gives different shades of red color, more or less intense depending on the variety and the growing conditions. They have few or no seeds.

– Moro: 

Huge variability of the fruit. It may or may not have seeds and its bark may be very or moderately reddish, orange, thin or thick and very or little attached. It develops the pigmentation of the pulp soon and with intensity (violet-red). The juice content is quite high and has a pleasant flavor.

Collection months: From January to February.

– Sanguinelli: 

Variety of oval-shaped fruit, they are medium to small in size and have few seeds. Bright and fine bark, with intense red-colored sectoral areas that vary depending on the temperature of the year, being more intense with the cold, and being able to occupy up to half or more of the surface. The pulp is juicy and bruised red. It has good juice content of intense red color, aromatic and pleasant.

Collection months: From January to March.

– Tarocco Rosso: 

Variety of medium to large size fruit, round and with a slightly pronounced neck. It has hardly any seeds. The bark reaches a reddish orange color once ripe. The pulp is tender, colored and soft. The juice is of a good and aromatic flavor, with a perfect balance between acidity and sugar.

Collection months: From January to March.

All excellent fruits for our industrial juicers!